Environment and CSR
The yacht club promotes respect for the environment and the responsibility and inclusion of people
You can send us your concerns anonymously to our ethical channel.
At a time when fauna and flora are affected by the increase in population and their presence in spaces that were once quiet or inaccessible, we consider it our duty to promote a responsible use of our environment and minimize the impact of the activities of the club and its users.
We also promote equal opportunities among our employees (we currently have 42% women and 58% men) and sailors (39% men and 61% women).
We are prepared to offer activities with or without accompaniment for people with special needs, such as inclusive sailing.
LOPIAV Information
Club Nàutic Sant Feliu de Guíxols (hereinafter, the Entity) has the highest commitment and willingness to behave in the prevention and fight against violence in childhood and adolescence.
Therefore, the Entity undertakes to comply with the regulatory frameworks and legal provisions that are applicable to it in all its activities and operations and, in particular, in matters of comprehensive protection of children and adolescents, as provided for in Organic Law 8/2021, of June 4, on the comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence (LOPIAV).
In order to make effective the aforementioned commitment Club Nàutic Sant Feliu de Guíxols has appointed a Responsible with the function of ensuring the proper monitoring of ethical action, as well as assisting club users in any field related to the matter.
Likewise, it has implemented a Communications and Complaints Channel that is made available to parents, students and users, through which they can notify indications, suspicions or knowledge of any type of action that may be
considered violence against minors and adolescents who participate in activities or are part of the Club.
The access address to the channel is https://cnsfg.cat/en/the-club/ethic-channel/
Finally, we appreciate the collaboration and support of all the people involved in the commitment assumed by the Entity, which is why we encourage and strongly ask that, in the event of any need for support or action guidance, you contact our person in charge.

The club and the environment
Sant Feliu de Guíxols is a municipality rich in culture, gastronomy, sport and art, but stands out especially for its coastal landscape. The “ganxona” coast combines sea and mountain, creating forests of white pine or cork oaks that suddenly fall vertically through the red rock walls of the cliffs until reaching the dark blue of the sea.
Less than a mile from the port there are many coves that combine rude sand and ripped rock. Many of these coves are small and access is only possible by sea, making that, even in summer season, you can have a certain sense of tranquility and comfort in an unchanged natural space. Another way to enjoy the coastline of Sant Feliu is by walking along section 10 of the Mediterranean path, better known as Camí de Ronda, which is a centenary path located at the top of the cliffs. Although there is a steep slope it’s worth the effort, because from there the panoramic view is hypnotic.
The submerged side of the coast has nothing to envy from the aerial part. Underwater there are not only geological formations with an undisputed appeal, but throughout the year you can find 90% of the Mediterranean species, thus being one of the areas of the Costa Brava with the greatest attractiveness for scuba divers.
The coastline of Sant Feliu is an area full of small bays that are worth it, and secrets to reveal for those who want to discover them, where mountain and sea come together to form an idyllic and unique landscape. Unfortunately, it becomes clear that the pace of life of modern societies has been having a negative impact on natural spaces for some time. There are two main reasons. On the one hand, the high urban pressure on the natural spaces near the village means that more and more people frequent these natural areas. On the other hand, the general ignorance by the population and tourism of the exceptional values of our coastline hinder conservation.
As stated in article one of the “Law 5/1998 of 17 April on Ports of the Generalitat”, it is important that the development and management of the port is subject to the principles of sustainability and respect for the environment. The Sant Feliu Yacht Club not only transposes these principles to the club’s internal regulations, but also considers fundamental values of any activity that takes place in natural spaces, in our case, the coast and the sea. That is why in the internal regulations of the Yacht Club there is a whole chapter dedicated to the environment and how it will act in case of environmental incidents.
What is the reason, why is it so important that the management of the Yacht Club takes the values of sustainability and respect for the environment as its own?
Because of to its proximity to natural areas
It is clear that the Yacht Club is the building of Sant Feliu de Guíxols which is closest to coastal natural areas, the headquarters are located next to a coastal forest area that is at the top of the cliff and part of its facilities are directly built on the sea.
For the promotion of nautical activities in natural areas
The Yacht Club is the organization that promotes the most nautical activities in the municipality. This desire to generate activities at sea must be accompanied by the responsibility of taking care and respecting this environment, not only to ensure the quality of the natural environment and its beauty but also to ensure that in the future we can continue enjoying the sea and the activities that are developed.
For the existence of protected natural areas near the club
In order to ensure the future of nautical activities
Because of to its proximity to natural areas
It is clear that the Yacht Club is the building of Sant Feliu de Guíxols which is closest to coastal natural areas, the headquarters are located next to a coastal forest area that is at the top of the cliff and part of its facilities are directly built on the sea.
For the promotion of nautical activities in natural areas
For the existence of protected natural areas near the club
In order to ensure the future of nautical activities
We, the generations of the present, have responsibility to act accordingly, because it will be too late for future generations. We all have a responsibility to work for the conservation and recovery of the ecological quality of the coastline. We must ensure that the coming generations can continue to enjoy the nautical-recreational activities and the natural beauty of our coast.
The Yacht Club is not only a space promoting nautical activities but also a space where the protection of the coastline is promoted. It is necessary that together we preserve and protect the coast, in this way we can enjoy more of our nautical activities and preserve what makes Sant Feliu an idyllic and unique place.

Natural areas
The coastal natural areas near the Yacht Club of Sant Feliu de Guíxols confer the typical landscape of the Costa Brava, that is, red rock cliffs with rocky beaches at the foot and the typical coastal vegetation at the top of the cliffs, white pine forests or cork oaks with a dense undergrowth.
On both sides of the Yacht Club there are coastal natural areas of high ecological value belonging to the Cadiretes Massif, these areas are protected by the protection initiatives PEIN and Xarxa Natura 2000, Catalan and European forms of protection respectively.
On the Levante (East) side we find 1km2 of protected land that includes from the Reefs d’en Blanc to les Balelles and extends almost a mile inland, it is an area with cliffs that border the sea and small coves that many of which can only be accessed by sea . On the Ponente (West) side we find Cala del Vigatà as an area of high ecological value in Sant Feliu, it is a pebble beach formed from the erosion and breakage of the cliff. On the land side, protection extends beyond municipal boundaries and by the sea almost a mile offshore enters.
It takes reasons that go beyond beauty, for an area to become protected and the coast of Sant Feliu doesn’t lack the values to be preserved.
High submerged ecological value
The coastline of Sant Feliu de Guíxols is an area with a high ecological value and a mature coastal ecosystem, the marine fauna that can be observed throughout the year, represents 90% of the marine fauna that can be observed in the Mediterranean. However, the ecological state of the coast is threatened by the pressures generated by society, especially in summer. Ignorance of natural values, together with a lack of respect for protected areas, leads to a tense situation between society and the coastal ecosystem.
- Livid paracentrotus
- Hippocampus guttulatus.
- Thunnus thynnus.
- Helen Wallaena.
Rosa Matesanz Torrent.
Carlos Álvarez Cros.
Miguel Ángel Fuentes Rosua.
The case of the posidonia.
Posidonia is a mediterranean marine plant of high ecological value. It generates food and shelter to many species, at the same time, contributes to the protection of the coastline from erosion. In Sant Feliu de Guíxols we find posidonia in Cala Vigatà, although in optimal conditions it could cover the entire crochet coastline. It is a plant very sensitive to human disturbances, which is why the law prohibits anchoring and fishing in areas with this sea bottom.

Posidonia oceanica
Special protection area for birds
On the Costa Brava breeds a multitude of birds, many take advantage of the walls of the cliffs or the high parts of them to make their nests, as it is an area that is difficult to access for predators. The tensions between these species and society are evident, the cliffs are highly occupied by buildings that limit the territory of birds and the non-existence or poor state of posidonia meadows, together with overfishing, means that they have fewer and fewer prey limiting their food.
Rosa Matesanz Torrent.
Carlos Álvarez Cros.
Miguel Ángel Fuentes Rosua.
High scenic and historical value

Good practices
Through the Sant Feliu de Guíxols Yacht Club, a multitude of nautical activities are organized. It is important that these are carried out in a controlled and respectful way in order to avoid tensions with the marine and coastal environment, that end up devaluing their quality. Being the Yacht Club the structure which is closest to these natural areas and the organ through which most nautical activities are articulated, it is also necessary for the Club to actively work in favour of the conservation of the sea and its natural spaces. Not only to ensure the ecological, scenic and historical value of the Crochet coastline but also to ensure the continuity of many of the nautical activities in the future. At an individual level, the work we should do for conservation is not based on large specific actions or activities, it’s rather based on each one being able to slightly modify those habits and customs that, directly or indirectly, can pose a threat to the environment. Below, we propose some simple recommendations, the application of which, will allow you to actively participate in the improvement of both the environmental environment of our facilities and the marine and natural environment.
Household Waste
- Ask the port offices for information on how to proceed with the deposit of the waste generated on the vessel.
- Keep port facilities clean.
- Try to generate as little waste as possible, avoid buying disposable products and products which are “over packaged”.
- Save and separate the garbage you produce on the boat. The port has selective collection at the entrance of each jetty.
- Make good use and keep existing containers in good condition.
- Deposit the household waste generated on the boat in the appropriate containers before sailing.
Hazardous waste
- Ask for information at the Yacht Club offices on the port’s green point.
- Hazardous waste is all those pollutants that pose a high risk to both people and/or the environment.
- A good way to detect whether or not a waste is dangerous is through the product description or through the pictograms found in the packaging.
- Some examples of hazardous waste are: paint remains, impregnated cloths, oil, batteries, oil filters, empty containers that have contained hazardous substances, solvents, fluorescent…
- In case of doubt about the operation of the containers or on the appropriate container to deposit a waste, ask the port staff.
- Do not mix waste of different nature. By doing this, it is not only difficult to recycle these wastes, but the chemical composition could be altered, generating an even more dangerous waste.
- If you notice signs of leakage, cracks or damage to the containers, please notify port staff immediately.
- Transfer the waste very carefully to the container of the green point, never deposit them in the urban waste containers.
Fuel consumption
- Try to limit the ignition of the engine to the essential.
- Carry out good maintenance and regulate the vessel’s engine for both safety and to minimize fuel consumption.
- Keep the filters clean, as obstructed, they consume a greater amount of fuel.
- Avoid using low quality lubricants, as they involve worse operation and performance, in the long run it means greater fuel consumption.
- Monitor consumption and in case of unjustified increase, review the rules and general state of the engines.
- Do not pour any type of liquid into the seawater, the pier or in the docks. The discharge must be carried out in the general sanitation network or at the Green Point, depending on the nature of the discharge.
- The vessels must have a sufficient volume sanitary wastewater storage tank, and proportional to potential users, emptying their contents through the appropriate installations.
- Empty the water from the cesspits using the appropriate systems. Never pour them into the sea, as these waters must be managed as hazardous waste.
Remember that the maximum speed indicated in the port cannot be exceeded, 3 knots.
- Drive your boat respectfully and avoid sudden steering changes. In this way, the acoustic quality of the facilities is favored.
- Respect the natural environment during the undocking, mooring and circulation operations in the port facilities.
- Respect the alpha flag of scuba divers. For greater respect it is recommended to leave 50 meters away instead of the 25 marked by law.
- The coastal areas with a line of yellow buoys represent the limit to which you can approach the coast with the boat.
Customs in the port
- Keep port facilities clean.
- Use the toilets, changing rooms and other basic services of the port instead of those of the boat.
- Respect the schedules in the activities that generate noise to avoid discomfort to the rest of users.
- In order not to consume more energy than necessary, stay connected to the power supply network only when necessary.
- Clean the boat with soap only when absolutely necessary and make sure the soap is biodegradable and suitable for maritime use.
- Do your best to avoid the use of single-use plastics, especially plastic bottles and bags. Today there is a wide range of reusable products.
Good practices in dinghy sailing
Light sailing as an activity uses the sea and the wind as natural resources. The activity does not “consume” this resource directly but there are certain practices that can damage the quality of the marine and coastal environment or put the safety of users at risk. Below are those desirable practices to carry out the activity in the safest and most respectful way possible.
Before the activity
It is important to plan the activity and know what the weather forecast is. In the section “meteo/webcam” you can find out about the conditions in real time and see the forecasts.
It is important to adapt the activity to the level of users, in this way it’s ensuree that everyone has fun.
No matter how much experience a sailor has, there are always limiting conditions that can put both the boat and people at risk.
Whenever possible, do not develop the solo activity, equip yourself with a communication device (mobile, VHF…) and inform someone when you go sailing and when you return.
The life-saving vest is considered a basic safety equipment for all regulations relating to dinghy sailing. Please use it.
In order to avoid surprises in the water, the boat must be kept in good condition.
During the activity
After the activity
Make rational use of fresh water to desalinate the ship.
Do not desaline the boat if you have to return to the water the next day.
Clean the boat with soap only when necessary and make sure the soap is biodegradable and suitable for maritime use.
Good practices in recreational fishing.
Sports fishing in Catalonia is legislated through strict regulations based on sustainability and resource recovery. The most relevant rules are set out below so that you can enjoy sports fishing in Catalonia safely and legally.
Here are some recommendations to carry out your activity in the most respectful way possible.
Good customs
The right to fishing is accompanied by the obligation to do so in a responsible and respectful way with the marine and coastal environment. Therefore, all recreational fishermen and related businesses must accept the responsibility of supporting the conservation of the fishing resource and as far as possible provide data in order to monitor the evolution of the fishing resource.
The law governing fishing in Catalonia is LAW 2/2010, of February 18, on fishing and maritime action.
Fishing inside the port waters is forbidden.
In protected seabeds fishing is forbidden. Protected seabeds are those of grasslands, marine fanogams, coralligenous or grapissars.
Avoid throwing damaged fishing utensils into the sea or abandoning them at the coast (hooks, leads, bait boxes…)
Fishing licenses
Minimum sizes
It is necessary to respect the minimum sizes given by the European Union, you can find them attached in the fishing section.
Sport fishing of some species is forbidden, you can find a list of the most representative species affected by vedes.
If prohibited species or species that do not exceed the minimum size are captured, it will be imperative to ensure minimal damage to the anamial and ruturn them to the water as quickly as possible.
The case of sea urchins
Sea urchin fishing begins on October 1st and ends on March 31st.
The schedule for sea urchin fishing is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The collection of sea urchins can only be done with traditional methods, by hand or with utensils that allow the selection of individuals, according to the allowed sizes.
Captures prohibited or subjected to bans
Sea horn (Charonia lampa), sea date (Lithophaga lithophaga) and pen shell (Pina novilis) prohibited catches.
>> (Decree 109/1995, of 24 March, regulating recreational sea fishing.)
Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Capture prohibited at a recreational level.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
White tuna (thunnus alalunga) often subject to vedas.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Bigeye (Thunnus obesus) often subject to vedas.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) often subject to vedas.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Marlin (Makaira spp.) often subject to.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Needles (Tetrapturus spp.) often subject to.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) often subject to blinding.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Hake (merluccius merluccius) often subject to vedas.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Girls (echinoidea) often subjected to vedas.
>> (AAR/436/2008, of 8 October, which regulates the collection of sea urchins on the Catalan coast).
Good practices in scuba diving
Diving as an activity which uses the sea as a natural resource. Although does not directly “consume” this resource, misuse during dives could lead to a deterioration in the quality of both the ecosystem and the waters itself. Therefore it is everyone’s responsibility to take care of, and respect the sea.
Here are some recommendations to deal with your activity in the most respectful way possible.
Before the activity.
During the activity
After the activity
Scuba diving is an activity with a continuous training process, you can always improve the technique.
The knowledge about the marine environment in which you develop your activity is part of this process of continuous improvement. You cannot protect what is not known.
The case of sea urchins
Sea urchin fishing begins on October 1st and ends on March 31st.
The schedule for sea urchin fishing is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The collection of sea urchins can only be done with traditional methods, by hand or with utensils that allow the selection of individuals, according to the allowed sizes.
Captures prohibited or subjected to bans
Sea horn (Charonia lampa), sea date (Lithophaga lithophaga) and pen shell (Pina novilis) prohibited catches.
>> (Decree 109/1995, of 24 March, regulating recreational sea fishing.)
Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Capture prohibited at a recreational level.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
White tuna (thunnus alalunga) often subject to vedas.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Bigeye (Thunnus obesus) often subject to vedas.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) often subject to vedas.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Marlin (Makaira spp.) often subject to.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Needles (Tetrapturus spp.) often subject to.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) often subject to blinding.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Hake (merluccius merluccius) often subject to vedas.
>> (Royal Decree 347/2011, of 11 March, regulating recreational sea fishing in external waters).
Girls (echinoidea) often subjected to vedas.
>> (AAR/436/2008, of 8 October, which regulates the collection of sea urchins on the Catalan coast).
ECONàutic Guide to Ports of Catalonia-ACPET
For the first time, Ports de Catalunya-ACPET presents an innovative guide for sailors, ‘ECONàutic.cat-Recreational navigation’, which promotes good practices for environmentally sustainable navigation that is respectful of other users and the environment.
‘ECONàutic.cat-Recreational sailing’ is a guide made up of 23 sheets in which advice is given on responsible behaviour when sailors are inside the port and when they sail on the open sea. It is a guide with a close language in the first person with attractive illustrations to facilitate reading and assimilation of concepts.
The guide ‘ECONàutic.cat-Recreational navigation’ is a unique and captivating material that provides useful information and is an essential tool for any sailor who wants to reduce their environmental impact.
This guide is accompanied by a communication strategy through social networks, media and sectoral presentations. Ports of Catalonia-ACPET has made a firm commitment to promote sustainable and respectful navigation over the next 4 years, so that the messages of sustainability and respect penetrate among sea users and are an example of environmental responsibility.
“This initiative, launched in July 2024, marks a before and after in environmental awareness and the promotion of respectful navigation in the nautical sector in Catalonia.”
Social and Environmental Responsibility of Nautical
Knowing in order to love, loving in order to preserve
Econàutic.cat and the SDGs
ECONàutic.cat is aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which mark the route towards a fairer and more sustainable future, and with the 2030 Ports Plan, which aims to make ports more sustainable and greener.
Ports of Catalonia-ACPET
Ports de Catalunya-ACPET is a private non-profit organisation established in 1983, made up of 47 concessionaires of ports and sports docks in Catalonia, which seek to unify and improve the quality of the provision of services to all Catalan marinas. It works for the sustainability of recreational nautical activity and its accounting for the protection of the natural environment.
It currently has 47 associated ports out of the 53 existing in Catalonia, which represents 90% of the port concessions granted, also including those under the supervision of the State and acts as an interlocutor with the different Administrations.
PDF Guide
Here you can download the Guide: PDF Link
News about environmental and social initiatives

We join the Let’s Clean Up Europe cleaning day!
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