Station summary | Current | The highest (last 24h.) | The lowest (last 24h.) | ||
Temperature |
16.0 ºC | 16.06 ºC | 1:17am | 15.72 ºC | 2:24am |
Relative Humidity |
92% | 95% | 12:00am | 92% | 1:35am |
Barometer |
1022.0 hPa | 1,023.27 hPa | 12:17am | 1,021.98 hPa | 2:52am |
North-northeast | 28º | 7.0nusos | 12.96 km/h | 60.0 F (15.6 C) |
Heat index |
Day 16.1 ºC |
Month 21.67 ºC |
Year 28.34 ºC |
Cold wind |
Day 15.6 ºC |
Month 14.45 ºC |
Year 9.45 ºC |
Rain |
Day 0.20 mm |
Month 54.20 mm |
Year 399.20 mm |
Last Updated on Nov 8 2024, 2:52 am CET